【歯科英語記事】How can remote monitoring lead to better treatment outcomes?




How can remote monitoring lead to better treatment outcomes?








  1. 歯科業界にも遠隔モニタリングの技術が広がってきている
  2. AIを活用した遠隔モニタリング技術により、質の高い治療を提供することができる
  3. 遠隔モニタリングを活用すると、歯科医師は新しいレベルで治療を管理することができる
  4. DentalMonitoringの技術では、5億枚もの画像データ解析によりアライナーの追跡からブラケットの脱離、歯の萌出まであらゆる変化を見つけ評価することができる
  5. 一貫性のあるリモートモニタリングにより、さまざまな異常の兆候を早期に発見し、迅速に対応することができる
  6. DentalMonitoringの技術では、AIが異常を検出すると患者とスタッフに直接通知が送られる
  7. 遠隔モニタリングは歯科医師だけでなく患者も求めていたものである
  8. 遠隔モニタリングの登場により、コミュニケーションやコンプライアンスなど多くの面で良い変化が見られている
  9. DentalMonitoringはこれまで信じられていたことを覆した
  10. ある著名な歯科医師は、「DentalMonitoringの技術は、私の診療効率を上げながら患者にとって歯科矯正をより便利にしてくれた」とも言っている


A prevailing myth in healthcare is that the expertise of practitioners is only accessible on-site. The reality is becoming quite different today. With the onset of technological advances and a desire for convenience from all parties, remote monitoring is becoming more and more widespread across medical fields. It is transforming the oral care industry too.



And the findings are interesting: remote monitoring is leading to better treatment outcomes for patients in dentistry and orthodontics. Why is this the case? With smart solutions like those offered by DentalMonitoring, practices can provide high-quality treatment based on artificial intelligence (AI) for in-depth scans, consistent monitoring, automated reports and a new level of communication between dentists and patients.



The difference we are seeing here is a major breakthrough in oral care: remote monitoring is ushering in an era of proactive treatment plans instead of reactive troubleshooting. Dentists can manage patient treatment with a new level of control, rather than simply respond to oral observations after a time lag.



The high-precision scans offered by remote monitoring open the door to more productive treatment. DentalMonitoring’s technology can locate, calculate and evaluate 130 different intra-oral observations, monitoring everything from aligner tracking to bracket debonding or tooth eruption. This is made possible by the largest image database in the industry, comprising half a billion dental images. With a level of detection surpassing the range of the human eye, the scans allow for a better look inside patients’ mouths—and with it, higher-quality treatment. These scans go beyond simple photographs: they provide a quality standard for the industry.



A crucial aspect of remote monitoring’s success is its consistency. Imagine the traditional model. A dentist instructs a patient to follow an aligner treatment plan, or perhaps a fixed appliance patient is told by his or her dentist to begin the elastics phase of treatment. They reconvene six to eight weeks later at the practice and find that little progress has been made. Was non-compliance the culprit? Is there another problem at play? With DentalMonitoring, practitioners can eliminate the mystery of what happens in between in-office appointments. The software takes dentists out of the dark, giving added access and control over treatment progression. Remote monitoring allows for early signs of non-compliance or any other abnormalities to be detected and swiftly responded to without waiting weeks for the next in-person appointment.



Consistent monitoring combines with the AI-powered automated reports to completely streamline the process. Not only do DentalMonitoring solutions consistently monitor patients with high precision, but their automated reports facilitate a fast resolution. Instead of leaving dentists to do their own self-assessment of patient scans—which could be a time-consuming and involved process for staff—with automation, notifications are sent straight to the patient and the staff once a deviation in treatment is detected by the AI.



Remote monitoring helps dentists, but it is also the solution patients are looking for. It can attract a wider range of patients. The digital transformation is here, and the practices that give more virtual options to patients will see greater demand for their services. The ability to have an appointment anytime and anywhere is an attractive proposition for patients and can even boost motivation to stay on top of treatment.



Behind the best oral care is a strong partnership between practitioners and patients. In that partnership, communication is streamlined, compliance is encouraged, and both parties are on the same page. In a victory for dentists and patients, technology has evolved to allow for an even more connected experience. With the advent of remote monitoring, treatment outcomes are only improving.



DentalMonitoring is debunking the myth that virtual care cannot have a personal touch. Its suite of remote monitoring solutions is designed to decrease chair time, increase compliance and allow for more precise and personalised care.

DentalMonitoring は、バーチャルケアはパーソナルタッチができないという神話を覆しています。そのリモートモニタリングソリューションのスイートは、チェアタイムの短縮、コンプライアンスの向上、より正確でパーソナライズされたケアを可能にするように設計されています。


According to Dr Francis Scriven, one of the leading orthodontists in the UK, the company’s solutions have added value to his practice and provided clinical benefits. He said: “DentalMonitoring allows us to monitor our patients’ treatments on a weekly basis rather than every few months. This new approach of managing my treatments vastly improves the clinical outcome and the efficiency by detecting issues early while greatly enhancing the patient experience.”“DentalMonitoring has made orthodontics more convenient for our patients while boosting my practice efficiency,” Dr Scriven added.

英国有数の歯科矯正医であるFrancis Scriven博士によると、同社のソリューションは彼の診療所に付加価値を与え、臨床的な利益をもたらしているとのことです。同氏は次のように述べています。「DentalMonitoring のおかげで、患者の治療を数カ月ごとではなく、週単位でモニターすることができます。私の治療を管理するこの新しいアプローチは、患者の経験を大幅に向上させながら、問題を早期に検出することにより、臨床結果と効率を大幅に向上させます。""DentalMonitoringは、私の診療効率を上げながら、患者さんにとって歯科矯正をより便利にしてくれました。"とScriven博士は付け加えました。




Posted by miho